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Commitment to Inclusiveness

ASU’s Law and Behavioral Science Initiative is composed of scholars whose excellence in research and teaching is rooted in interdisciplinary work that is strengthened by the inclusion of multiple voices and perspectives. As a faculty, we have convened a dedicated committee focused on transforming our collectively held values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into actionable initiatives.

Our primary goals

Recruitment. We aim to recruit a diverse faculty and student body that reflects the sociodemographic diversity of our nation and the communities our research has the potential to impact. Our goal is to increase the pipeline and promotion of scholars from minoritized backgrounds.

Retention. We aim to retain and ensure the success of our faculty and students by providing them with necessary financial, professional, and social support, maintaining equitable division of power and resources, and protecting all members of our community from racism, sexism, and other -isms that interfere with their ability to live, work, and learn in a safe environment. Impact. We believe that a diverse community of scholars in law and behavioral sciences will translate to greater impact of our work. In particular, increasing the diversity of our faculty and student population will support our success in advancing psychological theory and knowledge, and promoting change in our legal systems to decrease inequities, combat institutional racism, and improve access to justice.

Key Definitions

Equity: fair division of power and resources.

Inclusion: all members’ voices and perspectives are amplified, valued, and respected by others.

Belonging: all members’ feel included, valued, and respected.


LBS faculty resource guide

LBS graduate student resource guide