Core Faculty
Our faculty hold editorial positions in top journals, leadership positions in our scholarly societies, are winners of myriad national and international awards for their scholarly contributions to the field, and have extensive experience with obtaining funding from top agencies. The diversity of our faculty specializations spanning Psychology, Law, Criminology, and Social Work creates a truly interdisciplinary environment to investigate the intersection of Behavioral Sciences and the Law.
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Eyewitness lineup identification and procedures; interrogation and confessions; investigative interviewing; experiences and consequences of wrongful conviction.
School of Social Work
Current Research: Sentencing juvenile homicide offenders, mitigation of punishment, and predictive sentencing.
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Current Research: Jury decision making, eyewitness testimony, history of psychology and law.
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Current Research: Deceptive advertising; undue influence; evolutionary theory of law; celebrity entertainers' participation in public policy.
Assistant Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research:legal decision making, coercion, waivers of constitutional rights (i.e., guilty pleas, Miranda waivers), and social influence in legal settings (i.e., negotiations, interrogations, collection of evidence)
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Current Research: Juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice; how youth develop perceptions of law enforcement, the law, and the justice system; how experiences with the juvenile justice system affect youth outcomes and disparities.
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Current Research: Criminal defenses of excuse; judicial use of social science; mental health in correctional populations; the legal regulation of sex, gender, and sexuality.
Associate Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Police interrogation, false confession, suspect decision making under stress, human factors in forensic examination, forensic laboratory procedures, forensic technique validity.
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Juvenile delinquency and antisocial behavior, individual-level predictors of delinquency (future expectations, maturity); effect of juvenile justice system involvement on adolescent outcomes.
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Social influence processes, psychological biases, police interrogation; false confessions; human factors in forensic science.
Assistant Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Family law, high-conflict divorce, parenting time decisions, child mental health, juvenile justice, intervention science.
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Current Research: Biopsychosocial factors underlying the development of criminal behavior and psychopathic personality; evaluating the impact of early psychosocial interventions.
Regents' Professor
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Current Research: The law’s management and use of empirical evidence in decision-making; advancing patient safety (other than through malpractice litigation); law and psychology of fraud and corruption.
Assistant Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Development and biopsychosocial correlates of antisocial behavior and psychopathology (e.g., conduct disorder, psychopathic traits); developmental and mental health consequences of legal system involvement.
Associate Professor
School of Interdisciplinary Forensics
Current Research: Experimental research on social and cognitive factors that influence the collection and evaluation of evidence in the legal system, with a particular focus on eyewitness-identification evidence.
Associate Professor
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Current Research: How children’s reports of maltreatment are disclosed, investigated, and prosecuted; how developmental considerations may hinder or facilitate children’s productive involvement in investigations.
Associate Professor
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Current Research: Why people follow rules and defer to authority, particularly in the legal context; fairness, legitimacy, and compliance/cooperation.